Friday, August 25, 2017

Split 10k

This was so annoying. I have the Garmin 220 watch and instead of pausing and starting my run, I ended up pausing and saving the run. This was only 4 miles into the 6.5 mile run. Oh well, a better split time performance, lol.

 Run Part 1

Run Part 2


Thursday, August 24, 2017


GRIT is a new workout for me. Ive attended plyometric and strength and combinations of both. Definitely glad it's only 1/2 hour. It wipes me out so that I don't feel like running, but leaves me some strength for calesthenics and body weight exercises. Today was a play strength combo. I wonder if I can get running credit,.lol. I noticed that HIIT leads to a reduction in weekly  milage.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Short "Rest Day Workout"

Today is a rest day, but I still want to maintain some level of fitness and fun. I decided to do 10 minute workouts.

Pull ups for 10 minutes
Set timer for 10 minutes then do 5-10 pull ups per minute. I wanted to do 100, but ended up doing 70

Toes to bar or hanging leg lifts
Set time for 10 minutes then do 5 -10 toes to bar. I wanted to 50, but got 60

Saturday, August 19, 2017

New Obstacle / Ninja Backyard

Here's my backyard ninja area. It's a good training area for obstacle races and I have lots of fun here. I think my dog likes to too.

Here's where I got the backyard ninja stuff:


8 Mile

I ran 8 miles easy today. I wanted to reach my goal of 20 miles for the week. The course is hilly and I ended up with about 500 feet of elevation.

Made it just before it got too hot.

Run in Mud Obstacle Race Training-8/18/17

I was going to run, but I didn't get much sleep and opted to hit the snooze a few times. It's too hot out to run this afternoon, so I planned a day of pull ups and leg lifts. I didn't do it all at once, but did sets of 10 -15 in the morning and then finished up after work.

100 pull ups on different surfaces and grip
40 leg lifts (toes to bar)
10 ring dips

Below are only some of the different hand grips I use.