Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Run in Mud Obstacle Race Training-2/20/17

Do the following 5x:
5 pull ups
5 chin ups
5 dips

Run 7.5 miles
Run 3.75 miles at a moderate pace
Run 3.75 miles sprinting every other 1/4 miles

Do backyard rig 2x

Run in Mud Obstacle Race Training-2/17/17

Run a  very hilly 10k for PR

My route included a 2 mile climb with 645 feet of elevation.

Run in Mud Obstacle Race Training-2/16/17

Stretch and Warm up muscles and joints
5 sets of 3 hand stand push ups
Do the following 4x:
7 hang power snatch)
7 thrusters
14 toes-to-bar
400m run
1 minute rest

Run 4.5 miles

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Run In Mud Obstacle Race Training-2/14/17

Today I had planned to run much more than 4 miles. The plan called for two laps up and down the mountain for a total of 7.5 miles and 1120 feet of elevation. However, halfway through the run I just felt drained. I couldn't regain energy or motivation and stopped early with 4.3 miles and 600 feet of elevation. 

I'm convinced that as I've stepped up CrossFit training, I'm loosing endurance for my runs. I guess there is trade off. However, I am hoping that the challenge will result in better race performance. 

Run 4.3 miles

Do pull ups on various hand holds.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Run in Mud Obstacle Race Training-2/12/17

Keep in shape for the ever evolving platinum rig type of obstacles. Incorporate different handholds for challenging training.

Do the following 4x:

5 pull ups with one hand on ring and one hand on vertical PCV pipe
5 pull ups one hand on each vertical PCV pipes
5 pull ups with one hand on PCV pipe and the other on cannon ball
10 push ups
Rest one minute

Experiment with different hand holds

Run in Mud Obstacle Race Training-2/13/17

Rotate and Stretch muscles and joints

10 ring dips
10 negative ring dips

Do the following 9 times:

2 weighted ring dips

Do the following as many times as possible in 7 minutes:

40' weighted lunges
8 weighted burpees
60 jump ropes (singles or 30 double unders)

Do the following as many times as possible in 4 minutes:
6 dumbbell clean and jerks
8 toes to bar

Run in Mud Obstacle Race Training 2/11/17

Stretch and rotate muscles  

Do the following as many times as possible in 10 minutes:
20 dumbbell Thrusters
20 toes to bar (hanging straight leg lifts)

Run 10k

Run first mile easy, then sprint every 1/4 mile

Run in Mud Obstacle Race Training-2/8/17

Run 13.1 miles

Monday, February 6, 2017

Run in Mud Obstacle Race Training-2/6/17

Here's what I did in CrossFit. 

Do the following or something similar 5 x. Feel free to substitute with water can carries, dumbbells, sand bags, whatever:

Deficit deadlift x 1
Weighted ring dip x 5 (26#)


8 x squat clean thrusters
8 reps of shuttle runs 20' out and back


Run 4.4 miles

Run in Mud Obstacle Race Training-2/5/17

Run 4.3 miles with hills (mine had 611 feet). 
 During the last 1.5 miles, do 5 burpees per 1/4 mile.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Run in Mud Obstacle Race Training-2/4/17

Fun day at the gym. Had a great time warming up with a game of tag before getting into some really serious stuff.

How about this for obstacle practice, the following is a team event, but scaled for an individual:

Do as many as possible for 25 minutes. It's called the Andretti-

2 rope climbs
100m run with medicine ball or 20# weight
6 shoulder presses
10 dumbbell ground to overhead
15 hip extensions
4 sled pushes (40 feet with 90 pounds for men or 45 for women is one push)

Run in Mud Obstacle Race Training-2/3/17

Run 5.3 miles at an easy pace.

Run In Mud Obstacle Race Training-2/2/17

Run 7.3 miles up a mountain or hill. I'm fortunate enough to have a nearby 611 foot hill. I run this twice to get a good workout. Run at a moderate pace up the mountain and sprint down hill.

Later at the gym, garage or other workout location (I went after work)

Stretch and rotate muscles 

The four rounds of the following for time (I was in last place at 32 minutes after that run, lol)

1 minute of toes to bar (hanging leg lifts)
1 minute of jumping rope. Attempt to do double unders if possible
1 minute of kettle bell swings (american or overhead)
1 minute of squat cleans
1 minute of rest

Have fun

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Run In Mud Obstacle Race Training-1/31/16

Run a mountain or hill for a goal of 1000 feet elevation change. I ran this course up and down a mountain 2x and over 6.2 miles, then,

Squat workout with or without weights for 10 minutes

Do the following 7x for time:

15 kettle bell swings
15 cleans

15 box jumps (24")

Run In Mud Obstacle Race Training-1/30/16

Do the following 7 x:

1 Dead lift
3 weighted ring dips

Do the following 3-4 times:

5 chin ups
5 dumbbell should presses

15 wall balls