Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Run In Mud Obstacle Race Training 6/28/16

I am still attempting to get 30-35 miles per week in. However, I will have to reach that goal at a slower pace. I read somewhere that you should up your run incrementally. I was trying to go from 15-18 miles per week to that goal. However, I now find that it is a real chore to consistently run over 25 miles per week. So, I scaled back my goal to 23 - 28 miles per week. I find that more achievable at this time.

My run is a little slower compared to the other elite runners. Even in the master's elite, I'm slower than the 40 year olds. I never thought it made much sense for a 40 year old just coming off a winning streak for the past few years to suddenly become a masters' runner. I mean what actually happens between making the podium as an overall winner and then becoming suddenly too old at 40. None-the-less, that's how it is. As I evaluate my training I do acknowledge that I'm not doing too shabby for the 50 years and older group. After all, I could have made the podium in my age group if they actually awarded by age group at the Warrior Dash World Championships. That's making podium out of the entire world of 50 year old warrior dash competitors (lol). I did come in 20 something out of the entire group.

Additionally, if I could have only completed one "Platinum Rig" at the BattleFrog Nashville this past spring 2016, I would have came in 3d in the master's division. Alas, the running is not entirely my problem. For that reason I vow to increase my milalge slowly and continue to focus on my grip strength.

Run 2 miles
20 burpees per mile (10 every half, 5 every quarter, whatever. Challenge yourself to do burpees while your heart rate is somewhere in the stratosphere.)

Run 1 mile
20 burpees per mile
Carry 5 gallon bucket full of gravel in a bear hug for .1 miles Rope climb I attempted to cross my homemade "tin rig" but kept slipping off the vertical bars. Have to do alternate holds.
Monkey bars

Run 1 mile
20 burpees
2 x 5 gallon water can carry for .1 miles Rope climb

Later in the evening:
Run .5 miles
20 push ups
Dumbbell curls and dumbbell overhead presses (4 sets)
Bench press 4 sets
Lat pull down 4 sets
Plank for 4 minutes
Run .5 miles

Ok, so I have really sweaty hands when I'm wiped out, running, and exhausted. Though I'm strong enough to complete the platinum rig, I keep slipping off. How can I deal with my sweaty palms?

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