Thursday, April 16, 2015

Run in Mud Observation-Six Habits of Fit People

6 habits of fit people:

1. Park far from the entrance door: Work, church, store, whatever. Fit people don't take the spot closest to the door. Take in mind that a 1 mile walk can burn up to 100 calories. These strategic parking decisions can add up to a mile in no time.
2. Always take the stairs: If you work, live, or play in an area with stairs, take them and forget the elevator or escalator. Stair climbing is great exercise. If possible, got to another floor to get coffee, go to the bathroom, and etc.
3. Have water handy: Hydrate regularly and clean your system. That pee takes stuff out of your body.
4. Snack drawer has fruit and veggies in it; maybe a small sweet treat. Fit people understand that cake, candy, chips and such are treats, not meals.
5. Get that one last exercise in before bed: Fit people want to be doing something. You'll see them watching TV, a movie, or on the computer. Soon they are restless with a longing to get moving. A walk, stretch, set of push-ups, or other diversion sets them right.

6. Exercise every day. Unless your job involves physical labor, you might be living a sedentary lifestyle; at least that's what my fitness app says. Besides working out, push a lawnmower, walk to the mailbox, walk the dog, play tag with the kids, and do anything that gets you moving. Those activities are exercise. 

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