Saturday, January 23, 2016

Run In Mud Obstacle Race Training-1/23/16

Wow, we got snow yesterday. It's been a tough week to work out weather wise. It's mostly been cold rain and lots of it. I don't do rain very well as you can tell by my lack of running last week. However, if I've learned anything during my late evening 22 degree runs in frozen Oshkosh, Wisconsin, I can survive. Especially any cold Alabama snow days. Any way, I am trying to keep tough for the upcoming BattleFrog in Tennessee. I've got to be able to finish that platinum rig.

Today was a brisk 25 degrees and with proper dress, perfect for running. The roads were thawed and my step was safe. I did some of the push ups, pull ups and squats outside and the rest inside. Once dressed for running, i was too hot to continue working out inside. I ran 5 miles, did 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, and 300 air squats.

Run 3 miles
10 pull ups
10 push ups 
10 air squats
10 pull ups
10 push ups 
10 air squats
10 pull ups
10 push ups 
10 air squats

Run .75 miles
10 pull ups
10 push ups 
10 air squats
10 pull ups
10 push ups 
10 air squats
10 pull ups
10 push ups 
10 air squats

Run .5 miles
10 pull ups
10 push ups 
10 air squats
10 pull ups
10 push ups 
10 air squats

Run .75 miles
10 pull ups
10 push ups 
10 air squats
10 pull ups
10 push ups 
10 air squats

20 push ups
20 squats
20 push ups
20 squats
20 push ups
20 squats
20 push ups
20 squats
20 push ups
20 squats

34 squats
33 squats
33 squats

Time for lunch....

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